Object culling
Programming language:
Untiy 3D
Sometimes objects or parts of objects need to be activated/deactivated (culled) based on some criterium such as distance. The abstract classes ObjectCuller and CulledObject allow any component of any object to be activated and deactivated based on a chosen criterum. They also allow the user to balance performance cost against frequency of updates by controlling the maximum number of objects that will be culled per frame. ObjectCuller represents a blueprint for handling CulledObjects. It is up to the concrete classes to choose which components of objects will be affected and in what way. An example of such concrete classes are ParticleSystemCuller and ParticleSystemCulledObject.
using UnityEngine;
public abstract class ObjectCuller : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject objects;
public float objectsToCullPerFrame = 1;
// concrete objects that inherit from CulledObject
private CulledObject[] culledObjects;
private int culledObjectIndex;
private void Start()
culledObjects = GetCulledObjects();
if (culledObjects.Length <= 0)
enabled = false;
private void Update()
for (int i = 0; i < objectsToCullPerFrame; ++i)
// update index
culledObjectIndex %= culledObjects.Length;
// gets the concrete objects
public abstract CulledObject[] GetCulledObjects();
public abstract class CulledObject
public bool Active { get { return active; } }
private bool active = true;
// to cull means to activate/deactivate objects
public void Cull()
if (!active && !IsToBeCulled())
active = true;
else if (active && IsToBeCulled())
active = false;
// culling criterium
public abstract bool IsToBeCulled();
protected abstract void Activate();
protected abstract void Deactivate();
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ParticleSystemCuller : ObjectCuller
public float drawDistance;
// limit search depths
public int searchDepth = 1;
public override CulledObject[] GetCulledObjects()
return GetCulledObjectsRecursive(objects.transform, searchDepth);
// create a ParticleSystemCulledObject for every particle system
private CulledObject[] GetCulledObjectsRecursive(Transform obj, int depth)
List<CulledObject> culledObjs = new List<CulledObject>();
foreach (Transform child in obj.transform)
ParticleSystem ps = child.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
if (ps != null)
ParticleSystemCulledObject culledObject = new ParticleSystemCulledObject();
culledObject.player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.player);
culledObject.obj = child.gameObject;
culledObject.drawDistance = drawDistance;
culledObject.particleSystem = ps;
if (culledObject.IsValid())
else if (depth >= 1)
culledObjs.AddRange(GetCulledObjectsRecursive(child, depth));
return culledObjs.ToArray();
using UnityEngine;
public class ParticleSystemCulledObject : CulledObject
public GameObject player;
public GameObject obj;
public float drawDistance;
public ParticleSystem particleSystem;
public bool IsValid()
return player != null && obj != null;
public override bool IsToBeCulled()
// use distance as culling criterium
return Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, obj.transform.position) > drawDistance;
protected override void Activate()
if (particleSystem != null)
protected override void Deactivate()
if (particleSystem != null)