Gregor Panič
Gameplay Programmer / Designer

About me

My name is Gregor Panič and I'm a game developer from Slovenia. I'm mainly a gameplay programmer but have also picked up various other skills including game and level design.

I've been playing games ever since I can remember - from DOS games on an Intel 80186, N64, PS2 to modern titles on PC and consoles. The fact that I could interact with the story being told was something that captivated me from the start. The level of immersion video games can achieve is unique to the medium and I believe we are only just scratching the surface. This is what motivated me to start my journey in game development.

In 2015, I finished my master's degree in informatics at the University of Maribor which gave me a solid background in programming and maths. After that, I decided to start working full-time on my first game. During this time I have learned a wide range of new skills and gained a much deeper understanding of making games. In April 2016 I released Welkin Road on Steam Early access. I'm currently self-employed and hard at work on making Welkin Road as good as it can be.

I love learning new things and I love to solve problems. The greater the challenge, the greater the reward. I enjoy improving my skills and I always aim to do my best at whatever I set my mind to. In my free time, when I'm not playing games, I like to keep busy with playing guitar, learning Japanese, anime/manga, esports, PC hardware and keeping fit.